City of Winnipeg

Load my Card

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Load fares onto your non-registered peggo card

Number on back of card

How to find your peggo card number
Carefully type the 10-digit number exactly as it appears on the back of your peggo card. This will ensure the cash value or pass purchased is added to the correct card.

Learn more about your peggo card ≫

Session Expired

Your session has expired and you need to sign in again.

Session Expired

Your session has expired and you need to sign in again.


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How do I Auto Reload this product?

Eliminate the need to track the cash value or days remaining on your Card. Just register your card and you can set up Auto Reload for your convenience. Auto Reload adds a predetermined e-cash value when the value on your Card is low, or a new e-pass once the existing e-pass is close to expiring. Please note that only fare products bought through e-Fare, with a valid credit card, are eligible for Auto Reload.

Learn more about Auto Reload »

Load My Card

Add an e-Pass or e-Cash to your peggo card.

Fares loaded online or by phone are not available for use right away. It can take up to 48 hours before these fares are active on your card.

If you need to load fares and use your card right away, visit one of our retail sales agents or customer service centres. Fares loaded in person at one of our retail sales agents or customer service centres are active on your card right away.

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